Friday, January 20, 2017

PgConf US 2017: Changes and stomping our way to a record year

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PgConf US 2017 is just around the corner and getting ready to hit the shores of Jersey City. From March 28th - 31st, let's show the East Coast what PostgreSQL is all about. The following is an update on the progress we have made from last year.

Governance changes

There have been some changes this year in governance. PgConf US started as the New York conference years ago and shortly thereafter the NYC Conference (via NYCPUG) became associated with United States PostgreSQL, the 501c3 for PostgreSQL in the United States.

In 2016, United States PostgreSQL (PgUS) created an "Affiliated Project" association allowing projects who have a specific interest in the success of PostgreSQL to receive 501c3 benefits through affiliation with PgUS. This is very similar to how PostgreSQL.Org is affiliated with Software in the Public Interest.

Celebrating unification 

Due to these changes, PgConf US is now an Affiliated Project of United States PostgreSQL and operates in an autonomous fashion. This opened the doors for the merger of the excellent PostgresOpen and PGconfSV conference. It also allowed the new entity (PostgresOpen Silicon Valley) to become an Affiliated Project of United States PostgreSQL.

What does this mean? It means that the 2 (previously 3) preeminent conferences for PostgreSQL in the United States are now all under the same umbrella. This is excellent news for the United States PostgreSQL community. We expect great things to be achieved through the relationship and autonomy it allows.

PgConf US serves the community

The success of our conference depends on the community in entirety. This includes users, developers, advocates and businesses that rely on PostgreSQL. It is this conference's commitment to the community that continues to drive our success.

Because of the community's commitment to this conference we have been able to:

  1. Add a day to the conference
  2. Continue the Regulated Industry Summit
  3. Continue a tradition of affordable PostgreSQL training
  4. Reduce the costs of our facilities even with the extra day
  5. Reduce the costs of lodging for our attendees
  6. Continue to integrate the community and offer participation opportunities
  7. Upgrade our website and conference system with proper scheduling and of course, PostgreSQL support.
  8. Continue to work toward creating the best PostgreSQL conference experience available!
Thank you for all of your support and we look forward to serving you for years to come! Let's make 2017 the best year ever for PostgreSQL!